
Usually we are back home around this time of year visiting with family and friends...Kyle’s mom always prepares a scrumptious easter brunch and has the kids easter baskets all set up on the fire place for the kids to open in the morning. And we get to enjoy the Easter Service. This year we weren’t able to make it home, i wish we could of because i love going home and giving Aiden and Savannah time to bond with their Mema and Papa. Holidays are always hard for me. I get teary eyed when i see Kyle's mom playing with the kids and see the joy and happiness it brings to both of them. I miss my mom, and know that she would have been a great grandma and the kids would have loved her to pieces. They've got some wonderful grandparents!!

For easter this year, we invited the Ames's Family over to go to this easter egg hunt that was over by our house and to have some lunch. Saturday morning we woke up kinda early and got the kids dressed. This year i decided to curl Savannah's hair instead of putting it in piggy tails like i always do. She did pretty good while i was curling it, i just had to keep her busy by talking to her and asking her questions. One question i asked her was,“how old are you?” -she answered 10. I told her, “you don’t look ten..are you sure your ten?” I've been trying to teach her what to say when someone asks her how old she is, but she never wants to say the right answer. And then another question i asked was, “where does the easter bunny live” - she answered, “in the refrigerator.” Haha. But that’s what i had to do to get her to let me curl her hair...i love curling her hair!!! It looks so adorable on her...time to start looking for a pageant. Haha!!
 this was the day before easter, when i did a  test run with curling her hair
I had her take a few too many photos that day haha. She just looked too cute!
so many that she was saying NO MORE MOMMY hahahaha!!


So yeah, we all got dressed...since i cut my hair i haven’t been able to get the hang of styling it and i was having bad hair day problems that morning. It was very frustrating. After we got the kids dressed we headed downstairs to see what the easter bunny dropped off ;o).  (PSSST thank you mema and papa hehe!) Savannah got a bunch of goodies-a coloring book, a few stuffed animals, a hippity hop ball, play dough kit, bubbles, an easter outfit, cards, and candy of course. Aiden's easter basket was actually a dump truck haha, he also got a few stuffed animals, cards, an easter outfit and bubbles. After a while, we started putting together the fruit trays and stuff so they’d be ready to serve when we got back. Just as we were doing that, Ames knocked on the front door...I was in the kitchen and i hear Kyle say “no way!”. He called me over and said come look at this...i walked over and saw that Ames was wearing a pink shirt. Wellll...Kyle was wearing a pink shirt too, the only difference was that Kyle's had colored stripes going across the chest. It was almost as if they had called or texted each other and said sooo what are you wearing  for easter..haha. i just started laughing. That’s not the end of it. I had decided to wear this dress where the top half is grey and the bottom skirt part is black. I thought I’d add some color with a fun colored necklace. Well as were walking out Ames says, “you all dressed up for a funeral or what...haha.” I just laughed, grabbed our bags and the kids easter baskets and headed to the car. We headed to the park and as I was getting Aiden out of his car seat, my friend Jamie gets out and is wearing almost the exact same thing as me!!!! Hahaha!! Is that weird of what! Lol! The top part of her dress was blue and the bottom was black. It was pretty crazy and funny how we were all almost wearing the same thing.


We walked to the entrance of the park, and waited for a while...they had different tents set up serving different things but the lines were super long. I thought when we got there i'd see the grass covered in eggs. We got there only to see  this small area marked off with that yellow tape. Surely enough that's where they were laying the eggs. Wait. We found out they weren't laying eggs, but that they were throwing the candy out in the grass...right in front of all the kids. I was kinda bummed. I mean they coulda at least had the easter bunny guy in the costume hopping around tossing the candy out in the grass lol. So they threw the candy out and asked that only kids age 12mo to 2 line up on the east end. So kyle took Aiden. I stayed back with Savannah and had the camera ready so i can video record Aiden getting some goodies. Well once it started Savannah saw the other kids picking up candy so she went under the yellow tape and snook in and started picking up candy. Kyle grabbed her and tried to put her back by me but she started throwing a i just told Kyle to let her go ahead. This woman next to me said to me, ”she looks like she could be two anyways”, haha.  So i go along side of Kyle, Aiden, and Savannah trying to take pictures of them picking up all this candy...i say
“ALL” when really they didn’t even get very much. I was dissapointed in them because all that candy they were "suppose" to be getting was really for my piggy butt!! Hahahaha!! So i started grabbing the few hershey kisses that were in the grass around me and put them in their baskets lol, and said to the kids "you ain't doing your job!" lol.

The easter egg hunt ended, and we went and found the easter bunny, so we could get some pics of the kids with him. I asked Savannah if she wanted to go see the easter bunny...she said to me, ya. Well we got over to the easter bunny and i told her to go over and sit by him and she says NO! Haha, I guess the easter bunny looked better from further away. I tried to pick her up and put her over by him and she started screaming, just as i had thought would happen. So i let her calm down while i took Aiden...we got a few good pics with him.

After that we went to the playground they had there...Jamie and Ames were pushing Ryleigh, their daughter, on the swing. Kyle went over by the swings to push Savannah, I stayed with Aiden by the slides. I saw that Ames got on the swing and started swinging and then a few moments later Kyle did.. I found out later that Kyle and Ames had a competition to see who can Swing higher and jump off. We will always be little kids at heart. haha.


When we got to the house i pulled the ham, the fruit tray, and cheese and crackers out from the refridgerator. We ate a little bit, i enjoyed our easter lunch very much! I found this fruit dip recipe that consists of cream cheese, orange zest, and a secret spice that i won't say haha.. it was DELICIOUS!!!! i had a few desserts planned.. i didn't have them made because i wanted it to be kinda like an activity...there was coloring the boiled eggs, making rice crispy egg treats, and then making easter bunny cupcakes. Coloring the easter eggs..didn't go so well. Haha. At the store i was going to pick up one of those kits to color easter eggs, but decided to get the drops of dye instead...not realizing we would need vinegar. So all we had was cups of water with dye in them. It worked for the most part. As far as the Rice Crispy Treats..we had a hard time forming the rice Crispies into egg was a sticky mess. We all enjoyed them though. But by the time we were done making those and taking a few bites i was stuffed and didn't want any more the easter bunny cupcakes were put on hold.

Since the kids didn't get to actually go "easter egg hunting" we decided to hide the boiled eggs out in the backyard and had them go "find" them. Aiden found a few but he was more interested in throwing them on the ground and seeing the egg shell crack...he found that pretty entertaining and kept throwing each egg he would find. After that we just relaxed in the backyard, the sun felt sooo relaxing. I could of fallen asleep out there. After a while the Ames family headed home...I was so glad they came to enjoy easter with us.


While Aiden was napping, i had decided to attempt to make those bunny cupcakes with Savannah. Kyle's mom mailed us some recipes and Savannah saw the bunny on the pic and she got so excited and asked if we were making them and so i HAD to!! Since she learned how to help cook with her Mema she is always interested and asking if she can help, no matter what it is we are making. If she see's us near the stove or that we have taken something out she asks can i help. Its so cute. But back to the bunny cupcakes..there was alot of hard work put into making just one. I had made the cupcakes the night before. It was my first time ever to make cupcakes so i had to work with what i had lol. The tops of some of the cupcakes were really flat because i filled the paper cup too much. I had all the ingredients ready and laid out in front of savannah, and walked her through each step and had her make hers for the most part. They turned out pretty cute. She took them over to show Kyle and somehow they fell off the plate and onto the floor...we lost a bunny ear in the process... poor bunny.



A little bit later after Aiden woke up from his nap, Kyle and I took the kids to go take their pictures in this field of purple flowers..they almost remind us of bluebonnets. We got some great pictures of the kids, at first Aiden was doing okay but then he started getting fussy. Savannah was also getting cranky, but all we had to do was making farting noises with our mouths and she'd laugh and we’d snap the pics. These are just a few of the hundred or so that we took.

They turned out really really good! Some of them didn’t turn out as clear as i wanted them to.

             Like the one below...loveeee...when i look at it it i feel a sense of freedom.

The flowers really put him in the mood to pick....

But yeah that was our easter...maybe next year we will be able to hop our butts all the way to Texas!!

-Thank You Mema & Papa We all had a wonderful Easter, wish you could have been here!!! 
We love you!! ♥

Hope EVERYONE had a Blessed and eventful Easter!!
(p.s.- click on any of the pics to enlarge)

Valentine Snowbunnies
This valentines weekend was amazingly fun! Friday afternoon we decided for valentines day to go have a picnic at this lake behind our house, called Lake Skinner...and then on monday head to the Palm Springs Tram to play in the snow. All of this was decided so last minute, but it worked was one of the best weekends i have had in a while. To start off, i got to sleep in a little but still woke up as usual to hearing the sound of Aiden crying, so i got up out of bed and went to go get him. 

I didn't notice that Kyle wasn't in the bed.. somehow while i was zzz'ing it up he snuck out to the store and bought valentines- roses, balloons, chocolate, donuts, starbucks, stuffed animals for the kids and even one for me haha! I was very surprised, and i loved all of it! 
p.s.- Josette, if you ever read this...that pose is for you haha, jk!! :P

For our picnic we went to this spot that i call ours because we carved our names into this tree sometime last year when we first went to the lake...i thought that was pretty romantic and neat to have a picnic right under "our tree". And i just thought it'd be so cool to climb up the tree and get a pic with it, but i didn't know how i was going to get up there being that i was in a dress. So Kyle says to me, I'll clasp my hands together and push you up...the whole time i thinking and saying this is sooo STUPID! Just after i say that Kyle lets go and I'm over there struggling to get up on the branch because my behind was on display...Kyle was behind me the whole time taking pics and laughing his head off. I finally had to fall out of the tree and found out he was doing that. Thank goodness there wasn't really anyone around to see that!! LOL!! How embarassing!! I'll get him back one of these days!!!  

<------I toaaaddally bleeped it out so anyone who views it wouldn't have to go burn their eyes out...hahahahha!! bleepity bleep that's all folks!

At our picnic we had some Carl's Jr. lol...chicken fingers, a salad, and Kyle had also picked up at the store some grapes, strawberries, cheese and Sparkling Apple Cranberry . Originally we had wanted to just get a platter of chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-a but we drove there and totally forgot that Chick-fil-a is closed on i was kinda bummed about that. My mouth was watering as we were driving there, and is right now as i am typing this. Haha. I love Chick-fil-a!!! 



After we had stuffed our faces, i started looking around just enjoying the moment and i spotted this tree that had the perfect lighting, it looked so perfectly fake haha if that makes sense. So i decided to take aiden over by it and take some pics...Savannah for some reason doesn't like to participate when we take pics but we got alot of good pics. Both myself and Kyle were taking pics...i told him one day that we should take some photography classes and start up our own photography business. He's very talented when it comes to taking pictures. 

Walking down to the Lake.....

Then we decided to head down to the lake where Pixie had her first big splash...she was a little un-decisive about going in the water, i guess because it was a little kyle just threw her in. And Aiden just had to get a little wet and messy, because he's a boy and that's what boys do is get the dirtiest they can. So after playing in the water we headed back to the car and packed up and headed home. It was such a perfect day!! It couldn't have been any better! 

That night we got everything together, jackets and all and had it ready for the next morning. Monday morning we left around 8am to head to Palm Springs. Palm Springs is about an hour and a half away from where we live,  i was surprised and excited about how close it is. When looking up info on the Palm Springs Tram, i found out that there are tons of trails you can hike and alot of other fun adventurous things to do there! So when it starts to warm up a little more we will probably go back that and see what we can run into on the trails they have to offer there. Hopefully the kids will do alot better then. 

On our way to PALM SPRINGS!
On our way there we saw this small pond and in the reflection of the water you could see the mountains that we were heading to. It looked as if you could fall right into the sky if you jumped in the water. So we had to turn around and take a pic of it because it looked so neat. We also saw this farm of windmills on our way there too...its so crazy how they create energy. They are so huge! It’s so amazing what people think of. Since there has been snow on the mountains Savannah has been saying look mommy, look daddy i see snowman. That’s what she call’s the snow. Haha. When we got to the Palm Springs Tram it was super packed! We parked in the hawk parking lot, haha they have different animal names for each parking lot. We got out and got the kids dressed and ready to be in cold weather...its a 30-40 degree difference from the bottom and the top of the mountain.  Then we got our tickets to ride the tram and about twenty minutes later we were boarding. 

<-----This is your ride all the way to the top of the mountain!   

                   One of the many views--->

When we got on the tram we found that there was no stand and while you are standing the floor is turning, so you experience a full 360 view of Palm Springs and the beauty surrounding you. It was soo scary to me because i do not like heights. When you look down, which i did because i am dumb you feel like you are floating in the air. I was very motion sick, especially since the floor was moving. BUT it was so worth it!!! The tram takes you up about 3 miles to the very top of the mountain and as you are passing these towers that the cable wires are running on he tram will rock and sway. It was almost like we were on a rollercoaster. When we got to the top of the mountain, you could see snow everywhere, i was so excited!!! I remember when i heard it was snowing back in Texas i was sooo jealous! I could see snow on the mountains here, but i could never actually play in it. Even though in Texas it wasn’t enough to play in, just flurries, i was still very bummed. So i was finally getting my fun day in the snow!!! I had been bugging Kyle about it for forever, ever since i had seen snow on the mountains. Haha. 

I had 3 main things i wanted to do- make a snowman for the kids, make snow angels,  and have a snowball fight! The first thing i did was make the snowman. While i was in the snow rolling around snowballs as they collected snow, Kyle ran and got a snow sled and left me with the kids. Aiden and Savannah were not having the cold snow at all. They were both being winey babies and crying. I was surprised, being that Savannah had been soo excited about the snow for a while, i guess she’d rather just see it from home. But i was having a blast lol. Just as i had finished the base of the snowman Kyle made it back with the sled. He took the kids and sledded down this small slope right near where we were making the snowman. 

Here is a small video clip of Kyle sledding with the kids....

After a few rounds of that, he helped me finish making the middle part of the snowman and the head and we added the final touches. Our snowman was ONE happy snowman, thanks to Kyle!! We couldn’t find any eye’s so i had broke some stick and put them on the snowman...kyle’s parents when they were looking at the pic’s said it looks pretty oriental lol. I thought that was pretty funny. Everyone that passed by LOVED it!

And here is a video clip of Kyle sledding, looks like fun huh!!!

After we finished the snowman we headed  down to the bigger slopes where kyle did a little bit of snow surfing haha. He couldn’t manage to master it, it was pretty funny watching him fall. But i think i managed to outdo Kyle in the falling area when me feet came right from under me and i fell flat on my back with Aiden in my arms. He was perfectly back well that was another story. Kyle just had the perfect seat for the show of me falling, and after if happened he  came over to me and asked if i was okay first, then when he saw that i was he busted out laughing. We didn't catch it on video but I think that was the highlight of the day. Kyle wishes he did though. Just like when i flew out of the golf cart while i was busy texting my sister one time not paying any attention that Kyle was driving like a crazy person...awww the sweet sweet memories!

Anyways, back to our we kept sledding and sledding and then we had a snowball fight, Kyle got me pretty good in the back of the head...and then i started getting mad because i couldn't get him with a snowball and he kept tackling me smashing snow in my beautiful locks!!! haha. I did attempt a billion times to make a snow angel but the snow just wasn't working for me...maybe next time! Savannah got a few pics of us instead though...she is a pretty good photographer for a youngin!! 

       Here are a few snapshots she took---->>

Afterwards we had dinner, Aiden had conked out while we were waiting to be seated, dinner was delish! Then it was about time to head down to the tram to take the ride down to the bottom of the mountain. boooo hooo!! not really because i had a terrible terrible headache. Kyle kept saying it was probably because i was dehydrated. But i was ready to go home... so Kyle drove back home and thats where we went straight to bed to catch some very needed z’s.   Maybe next time we said that we should just make it a half day rather than spend the whole day there.  It was a very fun filled day, one that i will remember for a very long time. The END!



Wow i'm so glad the weekend is over...never thought i'd be saying that haha. It was Superbowl yesterday and we invited a few people over to watch the turned out pretty good! Kyle made brisket which was DeLiCiOuS!!!! He also made onion rings that turned out very good being that it was his first time making onion rings...we saw barefoot contessa making them one day haha and they looked good. Kyle was excited about making them. I made four layer bean dip haha (beans, guacamole, sour cream, and cheese), and ranch dip with chips. I wish i knew how to cook half as good as Kyle. He says he doesnt know how to cook but i think he is a MOOVALOOSE cook!! He is AMAZING, & i L♥VE HIM!!! I'll learn soon enough. lol
&&& THE SAINTS WON!!! YAY! I'm not that into football but this year i tried watching and learning what it was all about. But ya Kyle's mom won us some money, i'm not sure how the whole thing worked but she got us a spot on the board, you guess what the score is going to be and if your numbers are right then you win. So thank you to my mother and father in law!!

Lets rewind a little though, the entire weekend wasn't so was raining for one, and we had to go out shopping in the rain with the kids. And one day while driving back home Kyle got a wire wrapped around one of the tires causing it to go flat somehow...i guess it went through the tire. Thank goodness he was right next to a good year when it happened, so the tire had to be replaced. They did have the tire in stock, which was another plus but for that one tire it was 198$. YEA. 198$. So i was pretty upset. Not for too long though, when life hands you lemons sqeeze them and make yummy lemonade hahahaha. Lemons always reminds me of that movie The Breakup when Jennifer Aniston asked for 12 lemons and he only got her 6. What my baby wants my baby gets.

...Oh and lets not forget what happened to me at walmart...i was getting makeup and looking for a face wash when i noticed this box that had this picture of this woman with a patch above her brows and i say to kyle omg i finally found something that will fix my brown patch over my forehead- idk how it got there but it happened a long time ago when i was tanning...for some reason after i came out of the tanning bed i had this patch that goes from one end of my forehead to the other. but back to the story so kyle looks at the box and says to me that says brow patch remover...i have NO idea what a brow patch remover is!! LOL! but i thought it said BROWN patch remover!!! LOL! so kyle starts laughing loud like a hyena woody wood pecker!!! and i get all embarassed! it was late and i had a long day! that's how tired i was! haha. Well here's a few pics from the week. Hope you have a good day :)

They both were thinking the same thing i guess haha

The second picture we had went out to do some shopping and savannah was so excited when she got to have the rest of my ice cream cone from mcd's- she couldn't stop giggling about how good it was.



Gotta love the pouty faces haha


I love our house, its in a great neighborhood, with great neighbors. Being a homeowner is tough though! There's so much work that goes into it, and so many things that can be done to raise the value of the house. We're suppose to be selling the house when kyle decides to get we gotta try and keep it in top condition. We bought the house for $180,000, the owners before live right down the road and he told us it use to be worth around $400,000. It's a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, Two Story. 2100sq ft. built in 2005 and its located near the French Valley. I think we got a great deal. The thing that sold me was how open it was and the view from our bedroom..which i havent taken a picture of yet but when i do i'll be sure to post it. When it snows you can really see the mountains, its awesome to be able to see them from yoru window...although we have to look past the houses in front of our view but they are there :). P.S.-I only have the BEFORE PICS as of now..i'll take some recent pics, we've made some changes! We painted the kids rooms, so they arent too funky looking haha. The owners before had two girls if you didnt notice from the walls in the pics. And our backyard is completely different. So check back! (i didnt have a pic of the master bedroom but i got the bath and ill have that up soon. sorry.)

here's your sneek peek (if you didnt get to see the cribs style video my brother david made when he was visiting) haha



Yesterday we decided out of nowhere to go to the zoo, we got dressed and left around 10am, i had Savannah dressed in her new dress she had got for Christmas from me and kyle...she looked so adorable. She actually kept her hair up the whole entire day...but once she got home she decided she wanted to take it down and she returned to being the grunge baby she always is. haha

We got to see all kinds of animals. Savannah loved the elephants and the ducks.  She always tries to say elephant, L fant is what she says.. its so funny and cute at the same time. 

At the zoo we passed the giraffe's and noticed that there was a long line and found out that you can feed we decided to wait there and feed the giraffe's.   
While standing in line we watched and saw each family ahead of us feeding the giraffe's, it was so funny cause you'd see the giraffe's long tongue reach out and wrap around the kids hands grabbing these biscuits. Which by the way we paid $5 for 3 small biscuits...what a deal huh. But it was an amazing experience...i never thought id feed a giraffe, but i did and it was so gross. Savannah was a little scared to so kyle ended up feeding it for her. 


Aiden chilled out pretty much the whole day in the wrap i had around my shoulder...he always sleeps the longest in that thing. I guess cause it feels like he is back in my belly. :)

I can't wait until he is old enough to enjoy moments like these with us and see his reactions to everything.