Random Stuff I ♥

on facebook, i got this app that gives you a daily message from god and today my message was this

.. that today you have a cause for celebration. Today, you should celebrate what an unbelievable life you have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make you stronger. Just as a gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can a life be perfected without trials. Take a time to acknowledge your life and to praise yourself.

just thought i'd share it with you, i love it. Something i should read EVERY singe day!!!


Faith is risking what is, for what is yet to be.

It is taking small steps
knowing they lead to bigger ones...

Faith is hearing God’s yes
when everything else says no. 

It is believing all things are possible
in the midst of impossibilities.

Faith is looking beyond what is
for what is yet to be. ♥
